Email, phone, text obfuscation javascript

Insert this code 
(function(w, undefined){
    var OBF = {
        offset: -5, //change this
        range: 11,  //change this
        process: function( s, d){
            var out = '',i;
                out += String.fromCharCode(
                        + d*this.offset 
                        + d*(i%this.range)
            return out;
        ,encode: function(s){ return this.process(s, 2); } 
        ,decode: function(s){ return this.process(s,-2); }
    w.OBF = OBF;
function enc(str, encoding = 'utf-8') { return btoa(str); }
function dec(str, encoding = 'utf-8') { return atob(str); }
var test = "al1tcA=="; //change variable and obfuscated text

How include in HTML
<text id="test"></text>
<script>document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = OBF.decode(dec((p)));</script>

How to encode text
console.log (enc(OBF.encode( 'your text' )));

Decode obfuscated text
console.log ('obf to raw = ' + OBF.decode(dec('al1tcA==')) );

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