Categories: linuxubuntu

Basic Server Setup Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in OpenVZ

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

apt-get install bash-completion htop iftop mc nano aptitude fail2ban

service rsyslog stop
sed -i -e 's/^\$ModLoad imklog/#\$ModLoad imklog/g' /etc/rsyslog.conf
service rsyslog start

echo 'deb sarge contrib' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-key add jcameron-key.asc
rm jcameron-key.asc
apt-get update
apt-get install webmin usermin portsentry logcheck

Неиспользуемые модули >Системный журнал>Настройка модуля

Путь к файлу конфигурации системного журнала > /etc/syslog.conf

Включаем SFTP, ниже готовый файл /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for
Port 22222
# Use these options to restrict which interfaces/protocols sshd will bind to
#ListenAddress ::
Protocol 2
# HostKeys for protocol version 2
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
#Privilege Separation is turned on for security
UsePrivilegeSeparation yes

# Lifetime and size of ephemeral version 1 server key
KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
ServerKeyBits 768

# Logging
SyslogFacility AUTH
LogLevel INFO

# Authentication:
LoginGraceTime 120
PermitRootLogin yes
StrictModes yes

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
#AuthorizedKeysFile	%h/.ssh/authorized_keys

# Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files
IgnoreRhosts yes
# For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh_known_hosts
RhostsRSAAuthentication no
# similar for protocol version 2
HostbasedAuthentication no
# Uncomment if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for RhostsRSAAuthentication
#IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes

# To enable empty passwords, change to yes (NOT RECOMMENDED)
PermitEmptyPasswords no

# Change to yes to enable challenge-response passwords (beware issues with
# some PAM modules and threads)
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

# Change to no to disable tunnelled clear text passwords
#PasswordAuthentication yes

# Kerberos options
#KerberosAuthentication no
#KerberosGetAFSToken no
#KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes
#KerberosTicketCleanup yes

# GSSAPI options
#GSSAPIAuthentication no
#GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes

X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
PrintMotd no
PrintLastLog yes
TCPKeepAlive yes
#UseLogin no

#MaxStartups 10:30:60
#Banner /etc/

# Allow client to pass locale environment variables
AcceptEnv LANG LC_*

Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server

# Set this to 'yes' to enable PAM authentication, account processing,
# and session processing. If this is enabled, PAM authentication will
# be allowed through the ChallengeResponseAuthentication and
# PasswordAuthentication.  Depending on your PAM configuration,
# PAM authentication via ChallengeResponseAuthentication may bypass
# the setting of "PermitRootLogin without-password".
# If you just want the PAM account and session checks to run without
# PAM authentication, then enable this but set PasswordAuthentication
# and ChallengeResponseAuthentication to 'no'.
UsePAM yes
GatewayPorts no
AllowTcpForwarding yes
KeepAlive yes

service ssh restart


apt-get install transmission-daemon

config in ~/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json

 "alt-speed-down": 50, 
 "alt-speed-enabled": false, 
 "alt-speed-time-begin": 540, 
 "alt-speed-time-day": 127, 
 "alt-speed-time-enabled": false, 
 "alt-speed-time-end": 1020, 
 "alt-speed-up": 50, 
 "bind-address-ipv4": "", 
 "bind-address-ipv6": "::", 
 "blocklist-enabled": false, 
 "blocklist-url": "", 
 "cache-size-mb": 4, 
 "dht-enabled": true, 
 "download-dir": "/home/downloads", 
 "download-queue-enabled": true, 
 "download-queue-size": 5, 
 "encryption": 1, 
 "idle-seeding-limit": 30, 
 "idle-seeding-limit-enabled": false, 
 "incomplete-dir": "/root/downloads", 
 "incomplete-dir-enabled": false, 
 "lpd-enabled": true, 
 "message-level": 1, 
 "peer-congestion-algorithm": "", 
 "peer-id-ttl-hours": 6,
 "peer-limit-global": 450, 
 "peer-limit-per-torrent": 120, 
 "peer-port": 60597, 
 "peer-port-random-high": 65535, 
 "peer-port-random-low": 49152, 
 "peer-port-random-on-start": true, 
 "peer-socket-tos": "default", 
 "pex-enabled": true, 
 "port-forwarding-enabled": true, 
 "preallocation": 1, 
 "prefetch-enabled": 1, 
 "queue-stalled-enabled": true, 
 "queue-stalled-minutes": 30, 
 "ratio-limit": 2, 
 "ratio-limit-enabled": false, 
 "rename-partial-files": true, 
 "rpc-authentication-required": true, 
 "rpc-bind-address": "", 
 "rpc-enabled": true, 
 "rpc-password": "{13575fb0fd849a44f7a2d1350d21f1bb8c7c84b0zX6vUke4", 
 "rpc-port": 9091, 
 "rpc-url": "/transmission/", 
 "rpc-username": "1", 
 "rpc-whitelist": "", 
 "rpc-whitelist-enabled": false, 
 "scrape-paused-torrents-enabled": true, 
 "script-torrent-done-enabled": false, 
 "script-torrent-done-filename": "", 
 "seed-queue-enabled": false, 
 "seed-queue-size": 10, 
 "speed-limit-down": 100, 
 "speed-limit-down-enabled": false, 
 "speed-limit-up": 100, 
 "speed-limit-up-enabled": false, 
 "start-added-torrents": false, 
 "trash-original-torrent-files": false, 
 "umask": 18, 
 "upload-slots-per-torrent": 14, 
 "utp-enabled": true

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